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Women’s Awakening Discussion

Women’s Awakening Discussion

Are you feeling disconnected from yourself and other women?

Do you find yourself asking, “Am I good enough?”

Do you feel as if you've lost your voice in relationships, work, and life in general?

Have you not been showing up as your most authentic self or do you even know who that is?

Do you feel alone in wondering if life has more in store for you than what you’ve allowed yourself to believe?

If you’ve had any of the above thoughts or concerns, you might already be on the path to awakening!

In her book, A Radical Awakening, Dr. Shefali helps women awaken to their own authenticity by first teaching us about the cultural indoctrination of women. Most women are conditioned to crave approval, validation, and praise. We are conditioned to hold ourselves back and give of ourselves to ensure that the needs of others are met before our own. Part of awakening requires examining the false beliefs and patterns we are living. Dr. Shefali explains how to release society’s expectations, overcome our fears and illusions, and rediscover the person we were always destined to be.

Women need other women. We need to celebrate accomplishments and empathize with struggles. We need to applaud one another for showing up exactly as we are. As we awaken, we begin to see the need for sisterhood, and we see women as our allies, not our competition. Belonging to a sisterhood means daring to be ourselves just as we are. 


Join us, Kelly Donahue, PhD and Leah Rockwell, LCPC, for a facilitated discussion of these important, but often not discussed, topics from Dr. Shefali’s latest book, A Radical Awakening. There is no charge for this event.

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